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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Four common causes in Kitchen Fires

2/20/2023 (Permalink)

Kitchen fires are a common cause of home fires. It is important that you take precautionary measures to protect your home and family from these dangerous events.


Cooking is the most common cause of kitchen fires, with 60% of all kitchen fire incidents starting in the kitchen.Never leave cooking unattended, even for a brief moment. Always check your food and be aware that grease can catch on fire easily, if left unattended on the stovetop or in the oven. If you're using an electric appliance near water or near other heat sources (such as toasters, air fryers, etc.), be sure to unplug it before leaving it unattended or placing something else on top of it.


Heating appliances are a common cause of fires in the kitchen. This includes:

  • Radiators
  • Space heaters
  • Fireplace logs and wood stoves/inserts

In addition to these, you should also be careful with candles and other flammable materials that may come into contact with your countertop appliances.

Electrical and appliances

Electrical and appliance fires are the second leading cause of kitchen fires, accounting for 30% of all residential fires. These can be caused by faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, or broken or frayed wires. The most common culprits are hair dryers and toasters (which have been known to spark up when plugged into an outlet). You may also consider checking your appliances' safety features before you use them. If there's a problem with the cord, for example frayed electrical cord or cut, you should replace it immediately before you end up with a dangerous fire.

Fat and grease fires are responsible for the most fires overall.

Fat and grease fires are responsible for the most fires overall, according to the National Fire Protection Association. They're also the most common cause of kitchen fires—and they can be difficult to put out without proper training and equipment.

The first thing you should know about fat and grease fires is that they are caused by overheated oil or fat coming into contact with an ignition source like a flame or electrical spark. If you use your stovetop griddle often, keep in mind that even a small amount of oil can quickly become flammable as it heats up on its own or when it comes into contact with another hot surface like an electric burner or flame from a match or lighter. If a fire does break out in your kitchen, don't try to smother it with water—this could send burning oil onto other surfaces around the room. Instead, shut off any heat sources nearby (like gas burners) and immediately move away from them before calling 911 for help.

Kitchen fires are a real concern, and it's important to be aware of the causes so that you can take steps to prevent them. By taking action now, we can all feel safer in our homes.

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Fire damage is one of the most common reasons for homeowners to call a restoration company. When a fire takes place, it can cause water damage. If you're not sure how to deal with a fire or water damage situation on your own, then it's best to call in professionals who have experience dealing with these situations.

As Fire Damage professionals, we are available 24/7 and will help you restore your home as quickly as possible so that you can get back to normal life again!

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